Coach and Bus Sales


Business Opportunity - Coach and Bus Sales

Coach and Bus Sales

We are instructed to invite offers for the total assets of a used coach and bus sales and service business.

The company is expected to enter into administration, as a result of unsustainable debt levels later this month. Assuming we receive an acceptable offer prior, the buyer will purchase the assets from the administrator by way of a pre-pack administration sale.

  • The business assets comprise:
  • 3 off encumbered vehicles – the buyer would acquire any such rights as the company may have to equity in the agreements.
  • Minor quantities of tools and equipment.
      • A small quantity of office furniture and equipment.

The company’s trading name, domain name, website, contact details and customer list.

There are no contracts or work-in-progress and given the asset list as detailed above, combined with the planned nature of sale, the buyer would not be taking on liabilities or any rights to book debts.

It should be noted that this business shares its trading premises with another semi-related business, which is not insolvent. We understand the occupational lease is held by this business, with the other business being a subtenant. A buyer of the business assets would either have to taken on the existing lease and reach agreement with the subtenant for occupation or alternatively, move to new premises.

Bids must be received in writing no later than close of business on Thursday, 23rd June 2022, addressed to

The name of the business will be released upon receipt of a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement, when details of the three encumbered vehicles will also be released. Whilst we will do our best to answer any other queries the potential bidders may have, it should be noted there is relatively little other information that is both relevant and available.

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